We are Coronado Stone distributors. Bourget Bros. Building Materials and Bourget Flagstone Co. are proud distributors of Coronado Stone manufactured veneer products. These lightweight and easy to install stone veneer products are the perfect alternative to natural stone.
To order Coronado Stone veneer products, please contact us at 310-450-6556 or tile@bourgetbros.com
Castle Rock Ledge Thick Veneer stone comes from a high mountain top quarry in Northwest Montana. Castle Rock is primarily dark grey, with chocolate brown, and light tan tones.
Thicknesses ranging from 3″ to 5″
53 lbs per square foot
4,000 lbs (2 tons) per pallet
Subtle, light brown and tan sandstone sold in 2″ to 6″ thick pieces. Sandstone is a highly durable, natural stone, perfect for wall veneer.
Approx. coverage 35 sq. ft./ton
NOTHING ADDS IMPACT, timelessness and charm to a home like thick ledger wall rock. Each stone is sold from 2″ to 6″ thickness in various sized pieces – leaving its impact up to the artistry and talent of the mason.