Garden mulch can be used in your landscape over your flower and vegetable beds, or as an organic amendment to a lawn area before laying. It is not hot and will not burn when blended.
Bourget Bros. Building Materials hosts a vast selection of aggregates and top soils for use in pathways, mulching, dryways, etc. All material is sold per bag, skip or truck load.
50/50 Mix is 3/8″ crushed stone and sand used as a mixture for concrete and as a fill or base material.
Our rich blend of topsoil, sand, redwood, nitro humas wood fibers, and dairy manure.
Great for use on lawns, flower beds, and planters. This is a general planting mix without fertilers added. This mix should not be used on acid loving plants such as azaleas and camelias unless Peat Moss is added.
Decomposed granite is one of the most popular groundcovers used in drought-tolerant homes. Bourget’s decomposed granite is sold by the skip or bag.
Decomposed granite is swiftly becoming a popular aggregate for driveways. Available in an attractive grey color option, this aggregate is a natural decomposition of granite rock into gravel form. Decomposed granite is safe for the environment and can be used throughout your landscape.